Tuesday, February 3, 2009

25 random things about me you should probably know.

1. I can spread my toes out really far--they look really weird. 
2. I sing opera really loud. Preferably where no one can hear. 
3. I wander around my apartment in my underwear sometimes when I'm too absent-minded to remember to finish getting dressed. 
4. I have thirteen nieces and nephews (Julia, Gabriel, Brian, Anjuli, Jason, Rachael, Johnathan, Davy, Ellie, Audrey, Jack, Charlotte, Anna . . . and another on the way)
5. I write poetry.
6. My phone is pink and my current ringtone is a Rooney song
7. Sleeping Beauty and Wall-E tie for my favorite movies of all time
8. My best friend is my mom. No contest. 
9. I'm a research assistant for the Joseph Smith Papers Project
10. I dance when no one's watching (and occasionally I'm caught)
11. I'm a sucker for romance.
12. I'll cry at ANYTHING and everything.
13. I bore my testimony in sacrament meeting on Sunday.
14. I REALLY want to study abroad in London next year. 
15. I'm writing a novel right now, but I'm sort of stuck on page 120. 
16. I haven't studied for any of my midterms yet. They're tomorrow.
17. I secretly like to belt-sing. Don't tell my voice teacher.
18. My dad thinks he knows everything (and he's actually pretty close). 
19. My roommate's name is Kenna. She's the sweetest girl I've ever met. 
20. I love Jane Austen novels and movies. 
21. I spend far too much time on Facebook. 
22. I have a serious thing for roses of all kinds. 
23. I love easily but have never given my heart away. 
24. But I love my savior with all my heart. 
25. And he loves me back.